Player of the year has been named, now the rest of the team which is 25 members. It was hard to pare down and left some guys who had great seasons off the team, but.......Here we go:
NICK ALLEN, 6'11"senior center, Bradley Bourbonnais: Repeat selection. Illinois State commit. Player of the Year in Southest Suburban Conference Player of the year. School's all time leading scorer. Rim protects, hits the glass on both ends, can step out and hit a jump shot. Averaged 23 points 12 rebounds and 2 blocks. Travel team: Illinois Wolves Under Armour. X handle: Nick_Allen_
GRANT BEST, 6'3" senior comob guard, Mount Carmel (Chicago): Air Force commit. Can hit threes as well as hit the glass. Defends multiple positons. All Chicago Catholic League. First team All-State Class 3A. Averaged 18 points and 8 rebounds for a Class 3A Sectional Finalist. Travel team: Breakaway Under Armour Rise. X Handle: @grantbest_
AL BROOKS JR, 6'7" senior forward, Rich Township (Richton Park): Put himself on the map playing Class 4A basketball. Transfer from Hansberry College Prep (Chicago). Double/double machine and energy guy. Drives to the rim off the bounce and finishes at the rim. First team All-State in Class 4A. All Southland Conference. MVP of Big Dippr Holiday Tournament. Averaged 17 points 9 rebounds 2 assists 2 steals and 1 block for Class 4A fourth place finisher. Travel team: Mac Irvin Fire Nike EYCL.
VINCAS BUZELIS, 6'4"senior wing, Hinsdale Central: South Dakota commit. Made a jump in his athleticism this seasonattacking the rim and finishing wiht rim rattling dunks. Showed a nice pull up jump shot from mid range. Blocked shots off helpside and hit the defensive glass. 1000 point scorer. Second team All-State in Class 4A. MVP of Hinsdale Central Holiday Classic. All West Suburban Conference. Averaged 19 points and 8 rebounds for a Class 4A Regional Finalist. Travel team: Full Package Athletics. X Handle: @BuzelisVincas.
DEVIN CLEVELAND, 6'4" sophomore combo guard, Kenwood Academy (Chicago): Offensive scoring machine who can get his own from all three levels of the court. Top 15 nationally in his class. Chicago Public League Player of The Year. Chicago Public League Red Tournament Champ. First team All-State in Class 4A. Averaged 21 points 4 rebounds 3 assists and 2 steals for Class 4A Sectional Champ. Travel team: Mac Irvin Fire Nike EYBL. X Handle: @DevinClev2.
TYREEK COLEMAN, 6'2" senior point guard, Waubonsie Valley (Aurora): Repeat selection. Illinois State commit. Consumate floor general who can run a team, score at all three levels, defend on and off the ball. 1000 point scorer. First team All-State in Class 4A. All DuPage Valley. MVP of Hinkle Holiday Classic. Averaged 21 points 5 rebounds 4.2 assists 2.2 steals for Class 4A Regional Champ. Travel team: Illinois Wolves Under Armour. X Handle: @TyreekColeman.
JAXSON DAVIS, 6'1" sophomore point guard, Warren Township (Gurnee): Big Tim Player Of The Year. Repeat selection. Best floor general in the country in his class. Rest of description here:
BLAKE FAGBEMI, 6'0'"senior point guard, Benet Academy (Lisle): Truman State commit. Brother Brayden made the team two years ago. Penetrates to the rim and has athletic finishes at the rim with either hand. Has a nice pull-up lefty mid range jump shot, gets high on his jumper. Defneds well on the ball. Second team All-State in Class 4A. AC Williamson Award winner at Pontiac Holiday Tournament. All East Suburban Catholic. Averaged 13 points 5 rebounds 7 assists for Class 4A State Champ. Travel team: Illinois Wolves Under Armour. X handle: @BlakeFagbemi.
PHOENIX GILL, 6'3' senior combo guard, St Ignatius College Prep (Chicago): Northwestern commit. Gets to the basket for athletic finishes and mid range pull-up jumpers. FIlls the stat sheet. 1000 point scorer. First team Class 4A All-State. All Chicago Catholic League. All tournament at Jack Tosh Holiday Classic. Led team to school record 25 wins. Averaged 20 points 7 rebounds 3 assists 2 steals for Class 4A Regional Champ. Travel team: Mac Irvin Fire Nike EYCL. X Handle: phoenixgill_. Son of former NBA player Kendall Gill.
MARCOS GONZALES, 6'4" senior point guard, Brother Rice (Chicago): Citadel commit. One of the best I've seen in high school basketball at getting a piece of the paint off the dribble. He does damage once he gets in the paint, scoring with eithr hand, assisting and hitting mid range jump shots. Improved at hitting three point shots. 1000 point scorer. Tony Lawless Award Winner for Chicago Catholic League Player Of The Year. First team All-State. All tournament at Hinsdale Central Holiday Classic. MVP of Bill VandeMerkt Thanksgiving Classic at Riverside Brookfield. Averaged 19 points 6 rebounds for Class 3A runners-up. Travel team: Illinois Wolves Under Armour. X handle: Marcos3Gonzales.
TYJUAN HUNTER, 5'7" junior point guard, Hope Academy (Chicago): Dominated the state tournament with his scoring and passing. Had a double/double (points/assists) in both games. Played well in regular season loss to Oak Park River Forest as he had a double/double in that game. Scores at all three levels of the court. Mid range floater, three pointers mostly off the dribble, and finishes at the rim with creative up and unders, using quickness to get off shot. Gets through crevices of the defense using his small stature to his advantage. Quick on quick dribbling up the court, as wells quick hands to get steals. Intelligent in jumping passing lanes, and helping out on bigs to get steals. Fearless player on the court. First team Class 1A All-State. MVP of East Aurora Christmas tournament. Averaged 25 points 4 rebounds 6 assists for Class 1A State Champ. Travel team: Team Rose 3SSB. X handle: @Tyjuan_hunter.
COLE KELLY, 6'6" freshman wing, Neuqua Valley (Naperville): Second consecutive year a freshman has made Big Tim All-Area team (Jaxson Davis, Davion Thompson). Plays all over the court for his high school team. Double/double machine. Scores from three, on drives to the rim and finshes with either hand. Lefty hads a nice jump hook on the block. Nice cutter off the ball, and makes pinpoint passes to teammates. Special mention Class 4A All-State. All DuPage Valley Conference. Multiple Division One offers. Averaged 19 points 10 rebounds 3 asists 1 block for Regional Finalist. Travel team: Breakaway Basketball Adidas 3SSB. X handle: @colekelly_14.
CHRIS KIRKPATRICK, 6'3" junior point guard, New Trier (Winnetka): Repeat selection. Two way player does it on both ends of the court. Penetrates to the basket and creates for himself mostly at mid range, and teammates with kickouts to three. Can hit threes off the bounce, or off the catch. Defends on the ball and in passing lanes. Averaged 30 points in Regional playoffs. Multiple divisoon once offers. Second team All-State in Class 4A. All tournament at Pontiac Holiday Tournament. All tournament at New Trier/Loyola Academy Thanksgiving Classic. Averaged 22 points 6 rebounds 6 assists for Regional Finalist. Travel team: Fundamental U Elevate. X handle: @cmk4_
IAN MILITEC, 6'7"senior wing, Rolling Meadows: Marquette commit. Repeat selection. Scores at all three levels.1000 point scorer. Double/double machine. Lefty can hit threes out to 25 feet, nice mid range floaters, Euro step finishes at the rim. Rebounds at a high rate. Averaged 36 points in Sectional play. First team Class 4A All-State. All tournment at Jack Tosh Holiday Classic. All tournament at Fenton Holiday tournament. Averaged 20 points 9 rebounds 4 assists for Sectional Champ. Travel team: Illinois Wolves Under Armour. X handle: @Ian7Militec.
DANIEL PAULIUKONIS, 6'9" senior wing, Benet Academy (Lisle): Southern Illinois Carbondale commit. Had to step up this season with transfer of Gabe Sularski to Lemont. He certainly did with more aggression on the offensive end and the glass. Big time three point shooter who can score in the mid range. Good cutter off the ball to get layups and dunks. Hit the defensive glass with consistency. All tournament at Pontiac Holiday Tournament. Third team Class 4A All-State. Averaged 13 points and 5 rebounds for Class 4A State Champ. Travel team: Meanstreets Nike EYBL. X handle: @dpauliukonis.
JT PETTIGREW, 6'7" senior wing, Bolingbrook: Valparaiso commit. Repeat selection. Double/double machine and a triple double threat. 1000 point scorer. Scores from three, posting up in the paint. High level rebounder on both ends of the court, and rim protector. Second team Class 4A All-State. All tournament at Jack Tosh Holiday Classic. All Southwest Prairie Conference. Averaged 16 points 10 rebounds 2 assists 59% FG, 40% from three for Class 4A Regional Champ. Travel team: Young & Reckless Hoop Group. X handle: @jt_pettigrew7.
RASHAUN PORTER, 6'7" junior forward, DePaul College Prep (Chicago): He's been a force especially since Christmas. Lefty is scoring in the paint over size even 7 footers, hitting the glass, stepping out and hitting mid range shots. Rim protection and rebounding has been at a high level. First team Class 3A All-State. All tournament at Battle of The Bridge Thanksgiving Tournament. All tournament at Pontiac Holiday Tournament. Averaged 13.2 points 7.1 rebounds 1 steal 1 .3 blocks 62 % FG for Class 3A State Champs. Has won three consecutive state titles. Treavel team: Illinois Wolves Under Armour. X handle: @RashaunPorter24.
DALTON SCANTLEBURY, 6'10" senior center, Lane Tech College Prep (Chicago): Penn commit. 1000 point scorer. Double/double machine and mismatch nightmare for most teams in the state. Scores in the paint with back to the basket. Rim protects with his girth and hits the glass. Third team Class 4A All-State. All tournament at Battle of The Bridge. All tournament at Hinsdale Central. McDonald's All-American nominee. Averaged 16 points 9 rebounds 2 assists 3 blocks for Class 4A Regional Champ. First regional title in school history. Travel team: Team Rose 3SSB. X handle: @Dalton_Scant.
TERRENCE "TJ" SEALS, 6'6" senior wing, Kenwood Academy (Chicago): Transfer from Johnson College Prep (Chicago) showed he could play on the highest levels of high school basketball in Illinois. He was the X factor for the team. They struggled when he didn't play or was in foul trouble. Double/double machine who can handle, pass, hit a three, and score on attacking drives to the rim. Defends all five positions on the high school level. Special mention Class 4A All-State. Chicago Public League Red Tournament Champ. Averaged 14 points 11 rebounds for Class 4A Sectional Champ. Travel team: BBV Angels, Mac Irvin Fire EYCL. X handle: @Showwtime_tj.
LUKE SMITH, 6'0" point guard, Addison Trail: Filled the stat sheet in every category. Points? Put up 2531 for his career. Rebounds? Close to double digits for a small guard. Assists? Gave them out like they were candy. Steals? He had 186 for his career. Holds 7 all time records at Addison Trail. Filled the stat sheet but scoring is what he does best. Scores from three off the dribble or catch, mid range pull-ups, attacing the rim and finishing. Second team Class 4A All-State. All West Suburban Conference. All tournament at State Farm Holiday Classic Large School. All tournament at Hoffman Estates Thanksgiving Tourney. Loads of Division Three offers. Averaged 27 points 8 reobunds 7 assists 860 FG. Travel team: All-In Athletics. X handle: @1ukeSmith.
GABE SULARSKI, 6'6" junior combo guard, Lemont: Repeat selection. Transfer from Benet Academy (Lisle). Multiple division one offers. Got better and better at running point as the season went on. Scores from all three levels. Lefty can hit a three off the bounce or off the catch. Attacks the rim and finishes with either hand. Kicks out to shooters off penetration. Dominated regional semifinal game vs Thornton Township (Harvey). First team Class 3A All-State. All conference in South Suburban Blue. Averaged 17 points 5 rebounds 5 assists for Class 3A Regional Champ. Travel team: Team Herro. X handle: @GTBSularski.
DAVION THOMPSON, 6'3" sophomore combo guard, Bolingbrook: Repeat selection. Talented scorer at all three levels, the lefty is hard to deal with. Two way player as he's a plus defender. Scores at will at times once he gets going. Change of pace moves to get to the rim, or get his shot off from three, mid range, or finishing at the rim. Crafty with getting space for his shot. 1000 point scorer. Multiple division one offers. Top 30 Nationally in his class. First team Class 4A All- State. MVP at Jack Tosh Holiday Classic. All Southwest Prairie Conference. Averaged 24 points 5 rebounds 58% FG, 49% from three, 90% FT. Travel team: Meanstreets Nike EYBL. X handle: @Davion_t9.
JAYDEN "JT" TYLER, 5'10" senior point guard, Homewood Flossmoor: Wofford commit. 1000 point scorer. Plays bigger than his height. Is not afraid to take it to the trees and finish at the rim. Hits threes off the catch or off the bounce. Plus defender who gets into your shirt and forces turnovers with his quick hands. State champ in 2024. First team Class 4A All-State. All tournament at Big Dipper Holiday Tournament. All tournament at Bloom Township/Marian Catholic Thanksgiving tournament. Averaged 19 points 4 rebounds 3 assists 2 steals. Travel team: Meanstreets Nike EYBL. X handle: official_jd01.
LINCOLN WILLIAMS, 6'6' junior combo guard, Kankakee: Considered at least by me, the top junior in the state. 1000 point scorer. He's a two end force as he guards the other teams best offensive player. Can hit the three, attack the rim and finish with a dunk over defenders, or Euro step layups. Good on ball defender, and can get steals off the ball as well. First team Class 3A All-State. MVP of Kankakee Holiday Tournament. Multiple division one offers. All Southland Conference. Averaged 19 points 8 rebounds 4 assists 2 steals and 2 blocks for Regional Champ. Travel team: Mac Irvin Fire Nike EYCL. X handle: @LincolnW_11.
RYKAN WOO, 6'1' combo guard, DePaul College Prep (Chicago): Transfer from Whitney Young (Chicago). Came over and had a seemless transition to the Rams. Played the scorer role, who hit threes off the catch and the bounce, . Scored at the mid range, and on cuts to the rim. Got after it on the defensive end of the court. Can run a team when needed. First team Class 3A All-State. All tournament at Pontiac Holiday Tournament. All tournament at Battle of The Bridge. Averaged 16 points 3 rebounds 3 assists 2 steals for Class 3A State Champ. Travel team: Illinois Wolves Under Armour. X handle: @rykanwoo